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Clee Cycles Hill Climb - the Incline Challenge

So what is it?

"...from the shop to the top..."

The Clee Cycles Incline Challenge is a hillclimb, starting from the Clee Cycles shop in Ditton Priors and finishing at the summit (trig point) of the Brown Clee Hill, via the "Incline".

Hill climb details:

  • Length = 4.0 km
  • Height gained = 322 m
  • Average gradient = 8 %
  • Max gradient = 30 %
  • Strava categorised as a Cat 2 climb

Categories - Road Bike or Mountain Bike

The Clee Cycles Incline Challenge is an "on road" hill climb, but can be attempted on a road or mountain bike. Since road bikes are clearly faster on tarmac, please state which bike you used to complete the challenge, so you may be entered into the appropriate category.

So what's the point?

As the name suggests, it's a challenge - just to make it to the top without stopping - it's not easy.

But if you can, then who's fastest? - do it for the time, the qudos, the bragging rights, to be faster than your mates, or do it just for the fun(?).

A Leaderboard for the Clee Cycles Incline Challenge, recording the fastest times can be found on Strava or in the shop. If you wish to attempt the hill climb and record a time, please use an approriate GPS device (e.g. Garmin or iPhone) to track you ride. You can then upload the data to the Strava website. The leaderboard in the shop will be updated periodically. View the current "Clee Cycles Hill Climb" leaderboard here.

Give it a go!

Interested? Then give it a go!

Why not pop in the shop and let us know you're about to attempt it. Leave your car here, go ride, come back and share your experience/results over coffee and cake. You can clean your bike free of charge and head home satisfied that you've just nailed the Incline Challenge.

The route

  • The hill climb starts from the front door of Clee Cycles on the Ditton Priors Trading Estate.
  • Turn left onto Station Road and follow the road up to the T-Junction.
  • Turn Left onto South Road and follow the road down the hill out of the village.
  • Take the second turn on the Left onto Bent Lane.
  • Follow Bent Lane right up to the T-Junction at the top.
  • Turn left onto Hillside and after 50 m turn right onto the Incline.
  • There is a gate at the bottom of the Incline, but please use the small gate on the right side.
  • Follow the Incline all the way up to the summit.
  • You will cross two cattle grids and pass Lake Kilowatt on you left hand side.
  • The trig point is on top of a mound. You must take your bike with you to the Trig Point.

View Clee Cycles Incline Challenge in a larger map

D'em the rules

  • Standing start from the front door of Clee Cycles shop
  • The finish is when you touch the Trig Point with your bike
  • No shortcuts or motorised assistance
  • Obey the rules of the road
  • Be fair to walkers and other users of the incline/hill (including the sheep)

The Incline is steep and difficult to climb on a bicycle. Weather conditions can also be different to those by the shop. Please ensure that you have appropriate equipment, clothing and a mobile phone with you, in case you run into difficulties.

The Incline is steep - don't race down, it'll only end in tears!


The Clee Cycles Incline Challenge is not a race. Cycling is a dangerous sport and riders choosing to attempt the Incline Challenge do so at their own risk. Clee Cycles will not accept any responsibility for accidents or incidents incurred before, during or after participation in the Incline Challenge. Clee Cycles will not accept any responsibility for damage to bicycles incurred before, during or after participation in the Incline Challenge.

So what's the Brown Clee Incline anyway?

The Brown Clee Hill is located in the heart of the Shropshire countryside and consists of two peaks - Abdon Burf and Clee Burf - which are enjoyed by walkers, cyclist and nature lover alike.

Topping out at 540m, it's also the highest hill in Shropshire.

The Incline is a disused railway track, recently tarmaced, which heads straight up the side of the Brown Clee Hill.

The Incline railway line was constructed during the early 1900s to transport Dhustone, mined from at the top of the Brown Clee hill, to Ditton Priors village. Dhustone extraction ceased in 1937, but the disused Incline railway line survives today, albeit without rails, as an access road to the telcoms transmitter arials located on the top of the hill.

Need to know anything else?

Additional routes for the Brown Clee Hill are available. Please contact the shop for details (please contact us in advance for guided routes).

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